“Interest in the event continues to grow from all over the world: America, Scandinavia, the Baltic, Germany and South Africa are all assembling competitive teams as IRC continues to grow worldwide,” explained Warden Owen.
The Pre-Notice of Race has been altered as follows:
BOAT/TEAM ELIGIBILITY: A team shall consist of three boats, one from each of the following rating bands:
Class 1 1.110 – 1.230 DLR not exceeding 200
Class 2 1.075 – 1.119 DLR not exceeding 200
Class 3 1.025 – 1.074 DLR not exceeding 215
DLR = Displacement Length Ratio
CHALLENGES: (which need not identify the boats) shall be lodged by a Member National Authority. RORC shall have the discretion to accept a Challenge or Challenges from two or three Member National Authorities in combination, with the intention that any such team is representative of an identifiable region (e.g. Scandinavia).
NATIONALITY: At least 50% (rounded up e.g. a crew of 9 = 5) of the crew of each boat on board in any race shall comprise individuals who are Nationals of the country of the relevant team or individuals who have since1 August 2009 had their principal residence in that country or individuals who were born in that country.
SAILOR CLASSIFICATION CODE: ISAF Regulation 22, Sailor Classification Code, shall apply
(a) Crew Limitations
The crew of each boat shall include no more than:
For Class 1: two Group 3 sailors
For Class 2: one Group 3 sailor
For Class 3: one Group 3 sailor
The full Notice of Race will be published in January 2010.